
Measuring device for electric steering worms

EPS steering systems are now used more than ever in the automotive industry, successively replacing hydraulic components of servo-assisted steering systems. Mainly in medium-sized vehicles, helical gear drives are often used.

An important component of EPS systems is the electrically driven worm which is used to transfer the power to the helical gear. This means that the quality demands on the worm surface are very high.

In cooperation with a steering system producer, OptoSurf has developed a worm measurement machine to measure roughness and waviness over the complete functional surface automatically. For this versatile task, a mirror optic for beam deflection and several CNC-axes are used. Sophisticated software controls the measurement process and evaluates data under consideration of tolerance limits. For long-term process analysis, the measurement data are transferred and saved in qs-Stat.

Video of the measurement

Scanning whole functional surfaces of EPS-worms

Software Schnecke